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EtHic Code


In our factories we grant fairness and healthy working conditions, by rejecting any form of discrimination, harassment and child labor. We donate part of our profits to international humanitarian projects.

Since we care of our global conditions, we strongly believe in a socio-ethical code that adopts environmental-friendly solutions, by granting important energy saving.


As a member of the global community, Bassanina Forma srl strives to act as a responsible citizen. When carrying out its business activities, our brand grants high standards of integrity and honesty and it can count on the support of its managers, its employees, suppliers and associates.

These values are reflected in the following Ethic Code that provides a fundamental guideline for all our business relationships.

1. Business integrity
Bassanina Forma srl’s global business relies on the principles of integrity and honesty and contrasts all forms of corruption and bribery. Employees, suppliers and associates are prohibited from offering, making or receiving any unauthorized payment or other inducements, which could compromise the clear and objective business decisions. Bassanina Forma srl’s accounting policies require every business transaction to be fairly reflected in the Group's policies.

2. Partners’ respect and consideration
Bassanina Forma srl recognize its responsibility to five groups of business partners:
Customers. Bassanina Forma srl provides high quality products and excellent service for all its customers, both before and after the sale.
Employees. Bassanina Forma srl is committed to respecting fair and ethical labor practices and to protecting employees’ human rights. Employee conditions and terms of service will comply with national laws and applicable industry standards. Forced and child labor are absolutely prohibited. The Group provides equal opportunities and treatment both to all applicants and employees, by rejecting any form of discrimination or prejudice. Bassanina Forma srl strives to acknowledge the value that each employee brings to its business and to provide equitable rewards one the base of general, accepted standards.
The communities and the environment in which the Group operates are recognized as an important starting point for any business operation. Bassanina Forma strive to be a good partner to these communities. Moreover, the Group grants that its manufacturing warehouses do comply with applicable laws and general standards in order to minimize any adverse impact on the environment.
Suppliers and business partners. Bassanina Forma srl is committed to creating and maintaining mutual-trust relationships among suppliers and other Bassanina Forma srl endeavors, in order to ensure that all its partners respect and adhere to general business principles.
Shareholders. Bassanina Forma srl endeavors to build shareholder value over the long term period. The Group is committed to conducting its business activities in accordance with good corporation and governmental principles. Timely and accurate information regarding operations and performance will be provided to all shareholders.

3. Health and safety assurance
Bassanina Forma srl acknowledges its responsibility concerning health, safety and general well-being of its employees, customers and other third parties who visit its premises. Bassanina Forma srl strives to grant health and safety standard conditions to all its working environments.

4. Respect for the environment
Bassanina Forma srl endeavors to respect the preservation of ecosystems and the conservation of scarce resources. Therefore, all daily operations comply with local environmental legislation, norms and regulations.

5. Investment in the community
Bassanina Forma srl endeavors to promote the wider community’s health, welfare and sustainable economic development through charitable, cultural and educational initiatives. The Group also believes in the importance of supporting its employees in their individual and collective efforts towards improving their role in the society.

6. Compliance and reporting
Bassanina Forma srl management commits to transmit this Code to all its employees and business partners, in order to respect it and to accept its general principles. Furthermore, Bassanina Forma srl is establishing a reporting mechanism that provides its employees with the opportunity to flag illegal acts or condemn all those situations that do not comply with the Bassanina Forma srl Code of Business Ethics and the Corporate Social Responsibility Guidelines.

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